Star Wars The Force Awakens

Is Star Wars The Force Awakens DVD the most eagerly awaited movie release of all time?

Oh yes! The Force is back! And this time, it’s stronger than ever before! Though the seventh movie of the new Star Wars film will premiere in cinemas in time for Christmas, we can already feel the magnetic pull of the Force. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” with the plot taking place about 30 years after “Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi,” will bring us new adventures and characters to look out for. Of course, the old-time Star Wars cast Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher will return as Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia Skywalker correspondingly. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is directed by sci-fi director J.J. Abrams and will bring in the old and the new. The latest movie trailer was released last week and has been viewed by over 40 million people on YouTube. It has also the world abuzz when Han Solo uttered to his first mate Chewbacca, “Chewie, we’re home.” How seriously cool is that for us Star War nerds.

Isn’t it great to see it set years after Return Of The Jedi? That way the actors are playing their age as about 30 years has passed since the filming of Return Of The Jedi. Rumours were flying around the Darth Vadar was coming back and Disney did mischievously add fuel to this fire by showing a banged up Darth Vadar mask in the latest trailer. But alas we’re not really expecting Vadar to return even as Anakin Skywalker but maybe, just maybe we might see him as a ghostly figure like we saw at the very end Episode 3.

Can the new Star Wars movie be such a success without Darth Vadar, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi? You betcha it can. Have a look at the trailer on the DVDLand website and you’ll agree this is going to be massive.

There is more great news for Star Wars fans everywhere. Star Wars The Force Awakens DVD will be released in 2016. Imagine getting your very own Star Wars The Force Awakens DVD and adding it to your own Star Wars collection. Imagine getting it first. You would be the envy of your friends. Watch this fantastic movie of the year in your favourite cinemas, and relive the intergalactic adventures with this new Star Wars DVD in the comforts of your own home. Maybe even organise your own Star Wars party.

We are sure that Star Wars The Force Awakens will be the talk of the town, and will garner awards left and right in major film awarding ceremonies. We are also sure that this legendary masterpiece created by George Lucas will have a massive cult following just like the first six Star Wars movie installments. And we are also sure that Star Wars The Force Awakens DVD will be the highlight in your lounge room, and will be a sure hit for the whole family. Star Wars The Force Awakens DVD will be available for pre-order soon, so fans should check out DVDLand often to be the first to order and to subscribe to the DVDLand Newsletter. May the Force be with you.